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CSD Course Ticket
Do you or someone you know need CEs in Ethics and supervision? Or are you a practice owner and want to gift CEs to your clinicians to ensure they are up to date on ethics in the mental health field? Buy a ticket today and gift it! Use a CSD Course Ticket for any upcoming live course or any course from the CSD Course Library . All CSD courses address the topics of Ethics and Supervision in regards to mental health. Ticket is valid for 24 months.
Managing Transference and Countertransference: Awareness for the Resident and Supervisee (On demand)
It is important as individuals learn to be therapists to “read the room” and be aware that their own transference and countertransference occurs as a natural part of the therapeutic […]
Ethics & Compliance: Everyone’s Job – Navigating our ethical responsibilities with confidence (On demand)
Ethics & Compliance: Everyone’s Job – Navigating our ethical responsibilities with confidence (On demand) By: Alycia Burant, Licensed Professional Counselor, NCC, CMHIMP Integrity and confidence are the foundation of providing […]
Ethics 101: What the Aspiring Therapist Needs to Know (On demand)
Ethics is an area that mental health professionals need to be aware of daily. There are many instances where knowledge of ethical standards can save a therapist from making poor […]
Recognizing and Preventing Stress, Chronic Stress, and Burnout in Clinical Supervision (On demand)
Chronic stress and burnout can have severe consequences on clinical practice and ethical decision making, which puts clinicians and supervisors at risk. We will identify the impact of current global […]
The Ethics of Secondary Trauma and Compassion Fatigue in Clinical Supervision
The Ethics of Secondary Trauma and Compassion Fatigue in Clinical Supervision By: Michelle Risser, LISW-S We will discuss the ethical implications of secondary trauma and compassion fatigue. Supervisors will be […]
Supporting Your Supervisees and Yourself with Self-Care Micro-Strategies (on demand)
Supporting Your Supervisees and Yourself with Self-Care Micro-Strategies (on demand) In this fun workshop, supervisors will implement ways to help supervisees build self-care micro-strategies into their busy days, so that […]
An Empowered Approach to Critical Incidents in Clinical Supervision (on demand)
An Empowered Approach to Critical Incidents in Clinical Supervision (on demand) Critical incidents can happen in our work as mental health professionals. How can we, as supervisors and mental health […]
The Empowerment Model of Clinical Supervision (on demand)
The Empowerment Model of Clinical Supervision (on demand) As a clinical supervisor and mental health leader, you wish to support and shape the next generation of therapist professionals in ways […]